
Welcome to the online home of my cocktail adventures and alcohol musings. Pour yourself a glass & stay awhile

Agricole You Betty

Agricole You Betty

I think I am a little obsessed with carrots in cocktails. I realized that sounds totally odd. But it’s true, carrots are both sweet and savory, their high sugar content allows them to be caramelized, and being a root vegetable still gives them an inherent earthiness which works so nicely with spirits.

I picked up this single barrel Rhum Agricole at The Grey Hen in Phoenix. Better known for their massive whiskey selection, they also have some other gems and this St. George’s is definitely one of the treasures. While I mostly drink it neat I decided to make a cocktail for a special friend visiting.

The caramelized carrot ginger syrup is a favorite of mine. It has lots of fresh ginger and demerera added to fresh organic carrot juice simmering for a couple hours to caramelize.

The carrot, ginger, lemon, falernum, pineapple & Jamaican bitters make for a rich yet tikiesque cocktail.

Agricole You Betty

  • 1 oz Plantation Pineapple Rum

  • 1 oz St. George Agricole Rum Barrel #14

  • .75 oz Housemade Carrot-Ginger syrup

  • .25 oz homemade Falernum

  • .25 oz lemon juice

  • 3 dashes Bittercube Jamaican No.1 Bitters

Place all the ingredients into a shaker and shake until chilled. Strain and serve in a coupe glass.

The carrot-ginger syrup recipe is on a previous post. Use this link to find it. If the name has you wondering it comes from the 1986 hit song by Paul Simon “Call Me Al” (you can call me Betty).

I Dreamed a Dream

I Dreamed a Dream

The 1872 Manhattan

The 1872 Manhattan