
Welcome to the online home of my cocktail adventures and alcohol musings. Pour yourself a glass & stay awhile

EP 70 - Liquor By the Letter

EP 70 - Liquor By the Letter

How well do you know alcohol related terms. From cocktails to spirits there are dozens of common, not so common and often misused or misunderstood terms. Did you know you could bruise alcohol? That the definition of a cordial is different in the United States than in Europe? Or that the plug that goes into a barrel is called a bung?

This week we go through well known and little known terms and discuss their purpose and meaning as well as clear up a few myths along the way. Join in for a fun show!

EP 71 - You Really Mezcal Me Sometime

EP 71 - You Really Mezcal Me Sometime

EP 69 - The Hangover Part II

EP 69 - The Hangover Part II